Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bags and New Stitches

So the bag that everyone is working on, well let's just say it is not working for me. :) Of course after consulting with Ana on the Purl Stitch, I realized that I was doing it completely wrong. :) I am happy that Ana is getting so good at knitting because now I can consult with her about things. You can also go to Knitting Help, they have some good videos on all this kind of stuff.
Because I started getting so frustrated with that bag, I started a new bag. It has cables in it. I did not want to use cable needles so I found some videos on You Tube explaining how to do that. On the next video I found, the begginning is just explaining the different kind of needles and what not, but once you get into a minute of the video it gives some clear illustration on how to knit without the cables. It was fairly easy. I am on row 8, but I have had to put it on the back burner for a few days since I am getting ready for VBS!
So the new bag I am working on is free pattern. With this pattern, I recommend using a lighter yarn. I am using black and having a hard time seeing. Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked. :) Once I finish a few more rows I will post some pictures of it. I have several more patterns that I want to try and I have lots of yarn to use up!


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