Friday, July 25, 2008

Baby Hat

Of course now I am finished one project I must quickly move onto the next one. This is the first row of a baby hat I am working on for some friends. Yes it is black but I will be adding something to the front of the hat to "liven" it up. The yarn I am using is from Unravel and by SWTC made from wool, silk and bamboo. It has a springy quality to it and is very soft. Great for little ones.

The original pattern called for the use of size 7 16inch circular needles. I was finding it hard to stretch the amount of 64 stitches around that size, I am currently working in the gauge so perhaps the yarn is too thin and that was why. Any way, switching the yarn to the dpn has made the knitting much easier. I hope it turns out. :)

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