Monday, October 12, 2009

Christmas Presents

Now that I have finished baby sweater #2, the Christmas present for my niece, I find my knitting list growing larger not smaller. I have hope ( and the help of my Monday morning crafting group at Church) that I will get this increasing list done.

The first photo is the yarn and needles recently purchased to create the Elf Cap I found in "Handknit Holidays." I love so many of the patterns in this book. Using thick yarn and size 17 needles this shouldn't take long to knit. I also have a pair of metal daisy buttons I would like to add for extra zing; it all depends on how they look with the finished product.

Next up is the mystery present for my mystery recipient. Each year our family draws a name for Christmas giving. The ladies get another lady and the men draw another man's name. This is done in the hopes to cut down Christmas expense and gives the ladies a chance to make a handmade gift. It also allows the men to purchase a gift rather than having to make one :). As we have not drawn names yet I don't know who I am knitting this for, but I hope they like it. The yarn is Debbie Bliss Cashmereno.
Lastly is the yarn I am going to use to make a scarf for my niece Kaitlyn. I have hopes of using yarn I have previously purchased to make most of my gifts, but as with all good intentions, I am finding I keep wanting to buy more. Thank goodness I had left over yarn from the baby sweater and a ball of white cotton to work with. Pink is a much loved colour by the little girls in our family and this is a great way to use it up. Since her family lives in Dallas I want to make an accessory she can wear throughout the year.
I am wanting to make a long hat for my oldest son and have not yet purchased the needed items. So much knitting, time to get back to it so I don't fally behind.

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